The products and services from the Impact Licensing Initiative

The impact licensing initiative works primarily with technology owners (a) to assess technologies for impact licensing, (b) to detect and ensure the protection of commercial intellectual property from financial and reputational risk and (c) to achieve an effective integration of technologies into existing social venture models to expand the scale and scope of their social impact-creation:
> Stage 1 -Exploration:
In the exploration stage ILI aims to identify technologies from technology owners (companies, research centers, universities,…) that have a clear potential for impact licensing, to understand the boundary conditions that should be taken in account in the impact licensing strategy and to identify potential impact markets/approaches . This stage will start with the signature of a Non-Disclosure Agreement to study the exclusivity of the technology and its existing and future intellectual property protection. The outcome of the exploration stage is a principal agreement of the technology owner to impact license a well-defined technology to a specific societal market for a predetermined time period and territory.
> Stage 2 – Co-creation:
In the co-creation stage ILI sets-up a special purposed impact venture that signs the impact licensing agreement with the technology owner. ILI co-creates and pilots tests with partners the appropriate social business model and adapts the technology to optimize societal impact. The outcome is a business plan, a robust partnership a proof of concept of the impact venture and an improved IP protection for the chosen technology in the relevant jurisdictions.
> Stage 3- Scale-up:
In the scaling stage ILI supports and coaches the leadership and shareholders of the special purposed impact venture to scale, to comply with the impact licensing modalities (quality and eligibility control, impact measurement,..) to collect impact data and to share these with the technology owner. This outcome is evidence that the special purposed venture creates impact at scale.
The Impact Licensing Initiative’s service model :
ILI foresees four key services in the outward impact Licensing services:
- Guidance and expertise on IP strategies for societal impact in developed and developing countries
- Development of the impact licensing agreement
stage 1
finance model
- Result-based loan from ILI-fund
- Payment for service or result-based loan of technology owner
Impact brokering services
- Screening of technologies on their potential for societal impact
- Scoping of the impact licensing agreement
- Identification of potential partnerships
- Development of first business case
stage 1
finance model
- Result-based loan from ILI-fund
- Payment for service or result-based loan of technology owner
Impact venturing services
- Set-up of an SPV for
- Co-creation of the business plan
- Development of the technology adaptation roadmap
- Pilot-test of the service
stage 2
finance model
- Payment for service of newco for support of venture building activities
- Repayment result-basedloan through exit strategy in follow-up capital rounds
Shareholder and coaching services
- Support to shareholders (monitoring and reporting services)
- Coaching of the leadership in the impact venture for scaling
- Optimization of the impact and revenue model
stage 3
finance model
- Payment for service of newco for support of venture building activities
- Repayment result-basedloan through exit strategy in follow-up capital rounds